Instructions to Authors
Instructions to Authors – Papers in Ethnology and Anthropology (
Manuscripts for Papers in Ethnology and Anthropology should be sent as a Word document by e-mail to the Editors’ e-addresses:
The deadline for submission of texts is December 31 st.
Preparation of manuscripts
When submitting their texts, the authors must state their name and surname, institutional affiliation, city, country and e-mail address. If the text is co-authored, above data should be included for each of the authors, with a note on which of the authors is considered the main one, that is, in which order the authors are listed above the text of the contribution.
The format of the text is electronic only, paginated Word document in A4 paper size. The contribution should include normal font Times New Roman 12, and line spacing 1.5. Footnotes (numeric) within the text should be typed with the font Times New Roman 10. Paragraphs should be indented 0.5. Quotation marks are used for citations inside the text, and apostrophes for a citation within a citation.
Photographs, maps, tables, and all potential illustrated and other such contributions within the text should be submitted along with the paper. In the case of the need for illustrated attachments, their list with the names/titles of the attachments should be provided separately. A list of illustrations, captions which accompany them and the full names of their authors are to be supplied separately. Graphical/pictorial attachments and photographs should be digital files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The recommended format of image files is .jpg, and .tif and .bmp are also considered.
References to the number of the project and its financiers (if the text is written as a part of a research project), and acknowledgment notes, should be stated by the Title, with a non-numerical footnote with the star sign *.
The length of the proposed texts depends on the form of the article which is being submitted. Please note that your contributions do not exceed the following text ranges:
- Scientific paper – up to 30 000 characters
- Review paper – up to 15 000 characters
- Scientific critiques – up to 15 000 characters
- Reviews – up to 10 000 characters
- Bibliography – up to 10 000 characters
- Chronicles and reports – up to 6000 characters
The editors will only consider texts submitted in accordance with the above directives.
Along with the article and title, authors of scientific articles should also submit:
- Abstract up to 250 words;
- Keywords, minimum 5, maximum 10;
- Summary translated into English, from 250 up to 500 words.
Citation style in the reference list and in-text
Scientific articles will be considered only in the case of the presence of a standard scientific apparatus in the text, which implies citing literature in accordance with the standards of the Chicago Manual of Style (Available at:
The reference list should be listed in Latin letters. When the references are originally Cyrillic, they should be transferred to the Serbian Latin alphabet, and for transliteration with e.g. Greek, Russian, etc. use the ISO 09 standard.
Citations are in text body. A citation in the text usually appears in parentheses and includes only the first two elements in a reference list – the author and the year of publication with no intervening punctuation. If page number is given, it should be separated by a comma. For example:
(D’Andrade 1995) ili (D’Andrade 1995, 37) ili (Strauss and Quinn 1997, 121-136) ili (Ковачевић и др. 2008, 25-9).
A reference list is given at the end of the paper, and it is listed alphabetically with regard to authors’ family or last name. If there are several references by the same author in the same year, they are marked with letters (a, b, c, etc.). In-text references and the reference list should be in Latin script, regardless of the original, that is, the script in which they were printed, for the sake of better visibility of references, and therefore better visibility of citations.
Footnotes (notes) at the bottom of the page are used to indicate less important details, additional explanations, indications about the sources used (such as scientific materials, web pages, manuals, etc.). If an author is cited in a footnote, it is done in the same way as in the main text.
Citation in-text is done in the following way:
Books (monographs):
If there are two or more authors, the first author’s surname is listed first, followed by the names and surnames of the remaining authors. When cited in the text, only the name of the first author is given and an abbreviation et al. is added. After the name of the author, the year of publication is stated, then the name of the book, and then the place of publication is stated first, followed by the publisher, separated by a colon. If there are several publishers, they are separated by hyphens, and if there are several places of publication, only the name of the first place is listed.
D’Andrade, Roy. 1995. The Development of Cognitive Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Strauss, Claudia and Naomi Quinn. 1997. A Cognitive Theory of Cultural Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kovačević, Ivan, Bojan Žikić i Ivan Đorđević. 2008. Strah i kultura. Beograd: Srpski genealoški centar – Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Etnološka biblioteka 38.
A Book or a collection of papers:
Bronner, Simon J. (ed.) 2005. Manly Traditions. The Folk Roots of American Masculinities. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Ribić, Vladimir (ur.) 2007. Antropologija postsocijalizma. Beograd: Srpski genealoški centar – Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Etnološka biblioteka 34.
Chapter or other part of a book or a collection of papers:
Fine, Gary Alan. 2005. „In the Company of Men: Female Accomodation and the Folk Culture of Male Groups“. In Manly Traditions. The Folk Roots of American Masculinities, ed. Simon J. Bronner, 61-76. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Žikić, Bojan. 2007. „Ljudi (koji nisu sasvim) kao mi. Kulturna konceptualizacija pojma privatnik u Srbiji“. U Antropologija postsocijalizma, ur. Vladimir Ribić, 52-74. Beograd: Srpski genealoški centar i Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta.
Journal article:
D’Andrade, Roy and Michael J. Egan. 1974. The Color of Emotion. American Ethnologist 1: 49-63.
Kovačević, Ivan. 2006. Tranziciona legenda o dobitnicima. Etnoantropološki problemi 1 (2) : 11-25.
Article in a newspaper or popular magazine, with/without author’s name:
An article from the newspaper or the popular magazine may be cited in the running text without been specifically placed in the reference list as follows: “As Niederkorn wrote in the New York Times on June 20, 2002, ... or with a note in parentheses after the appropriate sentence (Večernje novosti, June 25, 2007). When placing a source in the reference list, it is done as follows:
Niederkorn, William S. 2002. A scholar recants on his “Shakespeare” discovery. New York Times, June 20.
Večernje novosti. 2007. Godine bez traga. Večernje novosti 25. jun.
Book review:
Radović, Srđan. 2009. Kontinuirano istraživanje zajednice Srba u Mađarskoj. Prikaz knjige (Ni) ovde (ni) tamo: Etnički identitet Srba u Mađarskoj na kraju XX veka Mladene Prelić. Antropologija 7:161-2.
Thesis or dissertation:
Denby, P. 1981. The Self Discovered: The Car in American Folklore and Literature. PhD diss. Indiana University.
Milenković, Miloš. 2006. Teorija etnografije u savremenoj antropologiji (1982-2002). Doktorska disertacija. Univerzitet u Beogradu – Filozofski fakultet.
Web site:
is cited in-text or in a footnote, and is usually omitted from the reference list. If the author wants to put the web page in the list of references, he can do it in the following way:
Howard, Clark. 2001. The True Story of Charyl Chessman. Dostupno na:
Zakon o nacionalizaciji najamnih zgrada i građevinskog zemljišta. "Službeni list FNRJ" br. 52/58. Dostupno na: – 23k
Unit from online database:
Online databases are usually cited in-text in the same way as other references, and their web page is added to the bibliography. Examples:
In-text – (Cambridge Dictionnary Online)
In the reference list – Cambridge Dictionnary Online.
Available at:
In-text – (ProQuest Information and Learning)
In the reference list – ProQuest Information and Learning. ''Interdisciplinary – Dissertations & Theses''. Available at: