
  • Milan Tomašević Етнографски институт САНУ


popular cosmology, narrative, semiotics, actantial scheme, transformational model, semiotic square


The text discusses the analytical framework necessary for the semiotic analysis of the popular science cosmological narrative. It offers a definition of popular cosmology as a contemporary secular myth that can be analyzed by means designed for the interpretation of folklore forms. In addition, key semiological tools are presented, with the help of which, in the different article, the cosmological theory is treated as a narrative, that is, a story that contains complex and culturally relevant meanings. The paper offers basic information about popular cosmology, but also semiology as a set of “apparatus” with which the cultural value of a scientific concept gains additional importance.


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How to Cite

Tomašević, M. (2023). POPULAR COSMOLOGY AND SEMIOTICS: AN ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK. Papers in Ethnology and Anthropology, 34(23), 51–74. Retrieved from https://easveske.com/index.php/pea/article/view/430